
This instructional guide offers a detailed walkthrough of the hardware and software setup necessary to run the demo app on STM32H747I- DISCO with IF573. Given that we are using IF573 in M.2 2230 E Key form factor for SDIO, and the DISCO board does not have an M.2 slot but includes a micro-SD slot, it becomes essential to employ an M.2 to micro-SD adapter for seamless compatibility.


HW setup

The IF573 DVK kit (part number: 453-00119-k1) is expected to include a micro-SD adapter and CABLINE VSII 40P cable, which should be connected as depicted in the image below. Additionally, CON2 should receive power from a 12V/1A power supply.


The STM32H747I-DISCO board needs to be modified in order to supply 1.8V to the SDIO lines, as per the M.2 specification which requires the use of 1.8V for SDIO lines. The accompanying image depicts the hardware modification after adding resistors and wires.


Here are the detailed steps for modifying the board to operate on 1.8V for SDIO.

  1. Disconnect jumper JP3 and use a “flying-wire” to connect the VDD_MCU pin of JP3 to the Vout of U8 linear voltage regulator, which effectively serves as a 1.8 V source.


  1. Connect the SDMMC pull-up resistors to VDD_MCU (1.8V) on the STM32H747 DISCO Kit. The SDMMC pull-up resistors R115-R should be unsoldered from the 3.3 V point and then soldered vertically. The tops of these resistors need to be soldered to a “flying-wire” and connected to JP3 at the side of VDD_MCU.


STM32CubeMx: Install STM32 Expansion Pack v1.6.

The expansion pack comprises embedded software packages that complement STM32Cube MCU packages with supplementary software components offered by Infineon. To begin, open STM32CubeMx and select Install/Remove within the section labeled as Manage Software Installation.


Select the option “ From Local “ and then find the “ v1.6.0 pack file “. After locating it, ensure that you check the box for it and continue with the installation of the package.


Close STM32CubeMx.

Open/build/flash wifi_scan application

Open a project

The .ioc file functions as a storage for initialization settings, allowing the customization of parameters and the creation of C code. Following the installation of the expansion pack in the preceding step, sample applications are generated within the repository folder. It is advisable to

duplicate a demo app into your personal directory while leaving the repository intact, ensuring that they can be used as a point of reference at a later time if necessary.

To start, please copy the wifi_scan folder from the following location:




Should you come across a pop-up message indicating that your CubeMx version is newer than the one used to create the .ioc file, you will be presented with two options:

  • “Migrate” allows you to make use of a more recent version of STM32xxx firmware.
  • “Continue” enables you to keep the original version of STM32xxx firmware.

Normally, modifications to the STM32 chip’s firmware do not have a substantial impact on Wi-Fi/BT application functionality. In this situation, it is advisable to choose “Migrate.”


Under Pinout & Configuration , arrange the list in alphabetical order ( A->Z ). Next, choose FREERTOS_M7 > Advanced settings and switch on USE_NEWLIB_REENTRANT to Enable.


Under Pinout & Configuration , click Software Packs > Select Components.


The Software Packs Component Selector pop-up will be displayed. Please ensure that you select Cortex-M7 for the component at the top and navigate to Infineon AIROC-Wi-Fi-Bluetooth-STM32 > Wireless Connectivity > Platform.

  • Choose CYW55572 for the device.
  • Select MURATA-2EA for the module.


Generate Code.


Build application

Add a build macro by following these steps:

  1. Right-click on wifi_scan_CM7 in Project Explorer and select Properties.
  2. Navigate to C/C++ Build > Settings and then to MCU GCC Compiler > Preprocessor under Tool Settings.
  3. Use the + button to include the macro “BLHS_SUPPORT”.
  4. Apply the changes and close the window.


Compile the source code by selecting Project > Build All.


Flash application

Download the binary file for CM4 by right-clicking wifi_scan_CM4 > Run As > STM32 C/C++ Application.


In the “Edit Configuration” pop-up, ensure that Debug/wifi_scan_CM4.elf is selected and then click OK.


Wait for the completion of the download process for CM4 in the console, and then proceed to do the same for CM7.



Run application

Start Teraterm (or your choice of terminal emulator) with proper port settings.


Power cycle the board by following steps below.

  1. Unplug USB cable from CN2 on STM32 board and unplug power cable from CON2 on IF573 DVK.
  2. Plug in power cable to IF573 DVK.
  3. Plug in USB cable between DISCO board and your computer.

Teraterm should display the output of the scan result.
