Yocto Mickledore


Here you will see an example of how to flash Yocto Mickledore onto the eMMC of the Nitrogen8ULP SOM module. In this example, we will use balenaEtcher as follows.

Downloading balenaEtcher

  1. Download balenaEtcher Here for Linux.

    Balena Desktop Icon Expand

  2. Once downloaded, locate and right click the balenaEtcher icon. Select Properties.

    Balena Properties Permissions Expand

  3. Select the Permissions tab and check the box in front of Allow executing file as program.

Flashing eMMC

  1. Download the Yocto Mickledore Image here.

  2. Connect the serial cable to the Nitrogen8ULP Carrier and the serial output (console) to your computer.

  3. Connect a USB-C cable from your host machine to the Nitrogen8ULP Carrier.

  4. On the host machine, start the terminal software.

  5. Set the connection baud rate to 115200 with no hardware flow control.

    Boot Board Uboot Expand

  6. Power up the board and stop auto-boot process to get U-Boot prompt. Enter any character on the terminal software to stop auto-boot. Open up balenaEtcher.

    ums Expand

  7. Enable the UMS Gadget for the eMMC . (If your emmc is mmc 1, use 1 instead of 0). Type the following command:

    ums 0 mmc 0:0

    UMS ULP Expand

  8. Click Flash from file and select the Yocto Mickledore image. Then click on Select Target and select Linux UMS. After this, select Flash

  9. The image will begin to flash and it will verify once flashing is complete.

    ULP OS Booted Expand

Once the image have been flashed, reset the board and it will boot into Yocto. See image above for fully booted image.