In this section we will confirm that our gateway has deployed, observe that it detects a BT610, configure that BT610, and finally visualize the sensor data coming from that BT610. Please follow the steps below.

Laird’s Bluegrass Platform

We will be using Bluegrass for visualizing our data. You should already have a Bluegrass account with a gateway device registered on it as established in the Bluegrass section. Navigate to the Bluegrass site now and click on the name (Device ID) of your gateway to start configuring the gateway to interact with your BT610(s).

Bluegrass Web Site

Bluegrass My Devices

Deployment in Progress

When you first provision your IG60 gateway to Bluegrass via the mobile app (in the Provisioning section of this guide) it can take up to a few minutes to complete. On your gateway page in Bluegrass you may see, in the section Sentrius-IG60 Status, that the Deployment Status is highlighted yellow and says In Progress. In this case the gateway is still downloading resources such as a lambda in order to interact fully with Bluegrass and your BT610 device(s). Please wait a few minutes and then refresh the page. Upon success you will see green highlighted text that states Success.

Bluegrass Deploy In Progress

If you need the provisioning link sent to your email again, you can do so here. Enter your email and click send. This is the provisioning link you would use in the mobile app (IG Connect) when connected to your IG60 Gateway.

Deployment Debug

Above your deployment status you will find Last Checked and Updated At values. Last Checked will indicate the last time your IG60 has checked in. This may be useful for debugging connection issues. Updated At will indicate the last time the gateway software (such as the Greengrass Lambda) was updated.

Lambda Status

Once your gateway is online and fully provisioned, you’ll also see a Lambda Status, such as the one shown below. This is useful debug information about what the lambda code is currently doing on your gateway. Most of the time you will see it scanning, processing advertisements, and then parsing BT610 data from your sensor. Those will be denoted by the MAC address of the sensor.

Bluegrass Deploy In Progress

BT610 Sensor Network

No Sensor(s) Detected

Once your gateway is fully provisioned and running its lambda, you should see a BT610 Sensor Network section populate. At first, this section may show No Sensors Detected, which is normal. The lambda needs to spin up and start scanning for sensors. Additionally, you must make sure your BT610 sensor is advertising. The web page will display instructions on how to get your device advertising if it detects no BT610 sensors.

You’ll also want to be sure your Sensor Type is set to BT610 in this case. Your Scan Period (s) is how often, in seconds, the gateway will process advertisements. Around 3 seconds is a decent interval to start at, but feel free to tweak this as you see fit.

Bluegrass No Sensors Detected

Sensor(s) Detected

Once your gateway has detected one or more BT610 sensors, they will be displayed in the BT610 Sensor Network section. Each sensor will have a checkbox, a name/MAC, battery level, and sensor status. It is IMPORTANT that we click the check box if it is just black with no check mark. This will tell our gateway and Bluegrass that we want to subscribe to this BT610, its data, and its alerts.

If you have not interfaced with this sensor before you will likely see the name/MAC, but not a battery level or sensor status. Instead you will see unknown or a message saying that the BT610 has not been configured yet.

You may configure the BT610 by connecting to it with the BT610 mobile app, and you can also configure it using the Bluegrass web page. To do so, click on the name/MAC which has blue text to indicate that it is a link.

Bluegrass Sensor Detected

Configuring the BT610 through Bluegrass

When you first click on the specific BT610 you want to configure, you should see a window resembling the image below: a provisional configuration with a Config Type of Not Configured. Let’s select Temperature for that value and click Update Shadow.

We assume you’ll be using a thermistor throughout this guide, which is included with the BT610 IoT Starter Kit. Other sensor cable types will be documented in the near future.

Bluegrass BT610 Not Configured

Config Type (Temperature/Thermistor)

Once you have updated the shadow for your BT610 you should be presented with all the possible values you can change in a section called BT610 Sensor Parameters. It is normal for many of these to be 0 or blank if the device has not been configured yet, as seen in the image below. Please review the quick notes below and then we’ll explore the three groups of values you can change: Settings, Thermistors, and Thermistor Alarms.

Color Definitions:

  1. Green with a checkmark - This setting is up to date with the shadow of the sensor and is acceptable.
  2. Yellow with a checkmark - This is a pending change that has not gone through yet to the shadow and sensor.
  3. Red with a checkmark - This is an unacceptable value and must be changed prior to submitting any changes.

NOTE: All values are submitted at once when you update the shadow.

Bluegrass BT610 Temp Params


In this group you will find general settings related to the BT610 itself as well as the thermistor. Please see below for more details.

  • Config Type - This is the value we set previously to Temperature. You would change this if you had a different type of sensor, such as a pressure sensor.
  • Name - The display name of the BT610.
  • Location - The physical location of the device. This value can be whatever you would like.
  • Use Coded PHY - Enable/disable BT5 Coded PHY transmissions. It is recommended to have this feature enabled in most cases.
  • Batt Sense Interval - This is the interval at which the battery voltage is read in seconds.
  • Advertising Interval - This value represents how often the BT610 advertises, in milliseconds.
  • Advertising Duration - This value works in conjunction with advertising interval. When it is time to advertise this specifies for how long, in milliseconds.
  • Sense Interval - This allows you to set how often the actual temperature is sampled with the thermistor.
  • Aggregation Count - This value will specify how many temperature readings to bundle together before transmitting them over Bluetooth.


Here you can enable the specific channel(s) you are using for your thermistor(s). In this example, we have set our physical wires up in the BT610 to use TH4 or channel 4, so we will select the “Enable” checkbox for channel 4. Your coefficient values depend on your thermistor and calibration. Please refer to our app note for guidance on how to properly calibrate your thermistor.

Thermistor Calibration App Note

Laird Connectivity also offers a coefficient calculator for you to use.

Thermistor Coefficient Calculator

Thermistor Alarms

This group of parameters allows you to set two high values, two low values, and one delta value to act as alarms. These alarms will trigger an alert if your specified values are reached. You’ll need to change the values to an acceptable number and then check Enable. Feel free to experiment with these as you see fit for your use case.

See below for an example of a fully-configured BT610 sensor using TH4 or Channel 4.

Bluegrass BT610 Final Temp Params


The webhook section provides you the ability to pipe this sensor data out to a third-party service using webhooks. Please follow the instructions on the web page in the blue section in order to set up a webhook.

Bluegrass BT610 Webhook

Thing Shadow

The Thing Shadow is a concept coined by AWS Greengrass. This contains all the latest information about your BT610 sensor. On the Bluegrass web page you are able to select a number of these different bits of information and see them charted over time.

Try selecting temperatureResultX where X is equal to the thermistor channel you are using. In our example we will use temperatureResult4.

Bluegrass BT610 Temp Params

If you scroll back up to the top of the Thing Shadow you will start to see that temperature value plotted out over time. Congratulations, you’ve started visualizing your sensor data!

Bluegrass BT610 Temp Params

Wrapping Up

You’ll now be able to have an overview of your data in two spots. The first is at the top of the BT610 sensor page itself. The second is a snapshot overview from the gateway page. Please see the two images below as a reference.

For any questions or support inquiries, feel free to contact Laird Connectivity support

Bluegrass BT610 Temp Params

Bluegrass BT610 Temp Params