BLE - Constant Transmit

The BLE Constant Transmit (tx) test transmits a continuous stream of packets using the specified PHY and with specified data pattern at the maximum power allowed for that combination. This is a standard test defined by the Bluetooth Core specification. The packet length is maximum by default, but may be adjusted.

Note: BLE channels in btlru are numbered from 0-39, and sequentially map to 2MHz channels starting at 2402MHz. This differs from the official BLE physical channel index to RF Channel/frequency mapping.

The PHY types are specified with the -t parameter as follows:

Parameter Description
1 1M PHY
2 2M PHY
LR2 Long Range/Coded PHY, S=2
LR8 Long Range/Coded PHY, S=8

Continuous Transmit test on channel 0 (2402MHz) with a PRBS9 data pattern using the 1M PHY

btlru :>tx -c 0 -p p9 -t 1

Continuous Transmit test on channel 39 (2480MHz) with a PRBS9 data pattern using the 2M PHY

btlru :>tx -c 39 -p p9 -t 2