Test Descriptions Constant Transmit The Constant Transmit (tx) test transmits a continuous stream of packets on the specified channel at the specified rate at the maximum power allowed for that combination in the configured regulatory domain. This is the test that will be required for most regulatory compliance and emissions screening. Note: The TI351 is a 20MHz Only device. Bandwidth is not configurable. See the following table for rate descriptions and valid specifiers used with the -r parameter: Rate Type Specifier Legacy (802.11b) 1, 2, 5, 11 Legacy (802.11a/g) 6,9,12,18,24,36,48,54 HT (802.11n) h0-h7 VHT (802.11ac) v0-v7 HE (802.11ax) e0-e7 Continuous Transmit on channel 1 (20 MHz), legacy rate 5.5Mbps lru :>tx -c 1 -r 5 Continuous Transmit on channel 36 (20 MHz), HT (802.11n) rate MCS7 lru :>tx -c 36 -r h7 Constant Transmit - OFDMA (Partial RU) The Sona TI351 supports partial RU OFDMA transmissions. These transmissions are supported by the lru by additionally specifying RU size and index with --ru <size>-<index>. See the following table for valid partial RU sizes and index values for each supported channel width: 20MHz Channel Width RU Size RU Index Range 26 1-9 52 1-4 106 1-2 242 1 Continuous Transmit on 5GHz channel 36 (20 MHz), HE (802.11ax) rate MCS0 with OFDMA partial RU size 26 at index 1 lru :>tx -c 36 -r e0 --ru 26-1 Carrier Wave The Carrier Wave (cw) test transmits an unmodulated signal at the center frequency of the specified channel. This test is generally not required for regulatory compliance screening, but may be requested in some jurisdictions. This test requires only the channel and channel width. Carrier Wave on channel 1 (20MHz) lru :>cw -c 1 -b 20 Carrier Wave on channel 36 (20MHz) lru :>cw -c 36