GA1 Device parameter list

The following parameters are supported in the GA1 firmware release and are common to all firmware variants.

Non-volatile parameters

The following parameters are modifiable and saved to non-volatile memory.

Name id type min /
min length
max /
max length
Default Enumeration Description
baud_rate 8 uint32_t - - 115200 - Baud rate for console uart.

Requires a reboot to take effect.
coap_mflt_proxy_route 54 string - 32 “mflt” - Route used when publishing Memfault data to CoAP proxy.
device_id 33 string 0 64 - - Unique identifier for the device.

When firmware boots, if the value is blank (the default value), the firmware will set a unique value for the device using BLE MAC address, IMEI, or some similar value.
disable_flow_control 7 bool 0 1 0 0 : Flow Control Enabled
1 : Flow Control Disabled
When true flow control is disabled on the console UART.

Requires a reboot to take effect.
dm_cnx_backoff_multi 38 float 1.0 50.0 2.0 - When in backoff mode, this multiplier will be applied to dm_cnx_delay for each connection retry.
dm_cnx_backoff_retries 39 uint8_t 1 255 5 - The number of times to retry a failed DM connection in backoff mode.
dm_cnx_delay 29 uint16_t 0 600 0 - Delay (in seconds) before connecting to DM server. Write 0 to generate new randomized delay with value between (mdm_cnx_delay_minin, dm_cnx_delay_max). Read: time in seconds to delay before connecting.
dm_cnx_delay_max 31 uint16_t 2 600 300 - Max delay (in seconds) before connecting to DM server.
dm_cnx_delay_min 30 uint16_t 1 599 1 - Min delay (in seconds) before connecting to DM server.
dm_cnx_retries 37 uint8_t 1 255 3 - The number of times to retry a failed DM connection before going into backoff mode.
dm_key_path 45 string 1 32 “/lfs1/enc/dm/key” - The path to the key store for DM authentication.
dm_trust_path 44 string 1 32 “/lfs1/dm/trust” - The path to the trust store for DM authentication.
dump_path 3 string 1 32 “/lfs1/attr_dump.txt” - The path used for attribute dump files.
factory_load_path 32 string 1 32 “/lfs1/enc/factory_load.txt” - Path for factory settings that can be restored with attribute load.
fs_trust_path 46 string 1 32 “/lfs1/fs/trust” - The path to the trust store for firmware and file service authentication.
fs_key_path 47 string 1 32 “/lfs1/enc/fs/key” - The path to the key store for firmware and file service authentication.
gw_smp_auth_req 35 bool 0 1 0 - If true, the gateway will require peripherals to authenticate before sending SMP messages.
load_path 4 string 0 32 “/lfs1/enc/attr_load.txt” - Absolute file name for load parameters command.
log_on_boot 6 bool 0 1 0 0 : Disabled
1 : Enabled
When set to false, logging output will be disabled when the firmware starts.
lte_apn 64 string - 64 - - The LTE access point name.
lte_bands 67 string 1 20 - - Radio bands enabled in the LTE modem.
lte_log_lvl 72 enum 0 4 2 0 : None
1 : Error
2 : Warning
3 : Info
4 : Debug
HL7800 driver log level.
lte_rat 71 enum 0 1 0 0 : CAT M1
1 : CAT NB1
Radio Access Technology.
lwm2m_bootstrap 14 bool 0 1 0 0 : Disabled Bootstrap
1 : Enabled
Enables bootstrap functionality.
lwm2m_endpoint 10 string 1 64 “my_device” - Endpoint name to identify the device.
lwm2m_fup_proxy_srv 27 string 11 255 “coaps://” - Firmware update proxy server.
lwm2m_fw_ver 19 string 1 32 “0.0.0” - Device firmware version.
lwm2m_hw_ver 23 string 1 32 “0.0.0” - Device hardware version.
lwm2m_mfg 16 string 1 32 “Ezurio” - Device manufacturer.
lwm2m_mn 17 string 1 32 “model” - Device model number.
lwm2m_psk 13 uint8_t array 16 16 { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f } - Pre-shared key.
lwm2m_psk_id 12 string 1 64 “my_device” - PSK ID.
lwm2m_security 11 uint8_t 0 4 3 0 : PSK
1 : RPK
2 : CERT
3 : None
LwM2M Security mode.
lwm2m_server_url 9 string 1 32 “coap://” - Server URL to connect to.
lwm2m_short_id 15 uint16_t 1 65534 1 - This identifier uniquely identifies each LwM2M Server configured for the LwM2M Client.

This Resource MUST be set when the Bootstrap-Server Resource has a value of ‘false’.
lwm2m_sn 18 string 1 64 “serial_number” - Device serial number.
lwm2m_sw_ver 22 string 1 32 “0.0.0” - Device software version.
memfault_transport 52 enum 0 3 0 0 : None
1 : HTTP
2 : MQTT
Publish Memfault data using selected transport (so that it can be forwarded).
mqtt_memfault_topic 53 string - 255 - - Topic for publishing Memfault data.
network_id_filter 51 uint16_t - - 0 - If nonzero, then filter advertisements based on network ID.
p2p_key_path 49 string 1 32 “/lfs1/enc/p2p/key” - The path to the key store for peer-to-peer authentication.
p2p_trust_path 48 string 1 32 “/lfs1/p2p/trust” - The path to the trust store for peer-to-peer authentication.
shell_password 40 string 4 32 “zephyr” - Password to login and use the shell.
shell_session_timeout 41 uint8_t 0 255 5 - Time before a login session will expire (in minutes).

Set to 0 to disable.
smp_auth_req 34 bool 0 1 0 0 : All SMP services available
1 : SMP authentication required before accessing any SMP services
If true, SMP authentication will be required before accessing any SMP services. If false, all SMP services are available regardless of authentication status.
smp_auth_timeout 36 uint32_t 0 86400 300 - SMP authentication will time out after a lapse in SMP commands lasting this number of seconds.
store_memfault_data 55 bool 0 1 0 - Flag to indicate whether memfault data should be stored to file or posted.
tel_key_path 43 string 1 32 “/lfs1/enc/tel/key” - The path to the key store for telemetry authentication.
tel_trust_path 42 string 1 32 “/lfs1/tel/trust” - The path to the trust store for telemetry authentication.

Static Read-only parameters

The following parameters are read-only and do not change during runtime.

Name id type min /
min length
max /
max length
Default Enumeration Description
api_version 1 string 6 11 “1.1.1” - The API attribute version that the firmware supports.
bluetooth_address 28 string 12 12 - - Bluetooth address.
board 5 string 1 64 “my_board” - Zephyr board the firmware is built for.
firmware_version 2 string 5 64 “0.0.0+0” - Firmware Version.

Format = Major.Minor.Fix+build.
ipv4_addr 50 string - 15 - - Internet Protocol Version 4 address.
lte_iccid 57 string - 20 - - Gateway SIM ICCID.
lte_imei 56 string - 15 - - Gateway SIM IMEI.
lte_imsi 58 string - 15 - - International Mobile Subscriber Identity.
lte_init_error 63 enum -5 0 0 0 : None
-1 : No Iface
-2 : Iface Cfg
-3 : DNS Cfg
-4 : Modem
-5 : Airplane
Initialization status of LTE driver.
lte_network_state 61 enum 0 240 0 0 : Not Registered
1 : Home Network
2 : Searching
3 : Registration Denied
4 : Out Of Coverage
5 : Roaming
8 : Emergency
240 : Unable To Configure
LTE network state.
lte_sn 59 string - 14 - - LTE serial number.
lte_startup_state 62 enum 0 6 0 0 : Ready
1 : Waiting for Access Code
2 : SIM Not Present
3 : SIM Lock
4 : Unrecoverable Error
5 : Unknown
6 : Inactive SIM
Modem startup state.
lte_version 60 string - 29 - - Firmware version of the LTE modem.
lwm2m_fup_pkg_name 25 string 1 32 my_firmware - Firmware update firmware package name.
lwm2m_fup_pkg_ver 26 string 1 32 “0.0.0” - Firmware update package version.
lwm2m_pwr_src 20 uint8_t 0 7 1 0 : DC
1 : Internal Battery
2 : External Battery
3 : Fuel Cell
4 : POE
5 : USB
6 : AC
7 : Solar
Device power source.

This attribute maps to LwM2M path 3/0/6/0.
param_path 39 string 2 8 “/ext” - Folder on file system used for Parse/Dump commands.

Dynamic Read-only parameters

The following parameters are read-only and can change during runtime.

Name id type min /
min length
max /
max length
Default Enumeration Description
lte_active_bands 68 string - 20 - - Radio bands in use by the LTE modem.
lte_data_total 78 uint32_t - - 0 - Total number of socket (UDP and TCP) payload bytes.
lte_fup_status 73 enum 0 8 0 0 : Idle
1 : Start
2 : WIP
3 : PAD
4 : Send EOT
5 : File Error
6 : Install
7 : Reboot Reconfig
8 : Complete
HL7800 firmware update status.
lte_operator_index 69 uint8_t - - 255 - LTE Operator index.
lte_rsrp 65 int16_t - - 0 - Reference Signals Receive Power (RSRP) in dBm.
lte_sinr 66 int16_t - - 0 - Signal to Interference plus Noise Ratio (SINR) in dB.
lte_sleep_state 70 enum 0 4 0 0 : Uninitialized
1 : Hibernate
2 : Awake
3 : Lite Hibernate
4 : Sleep
Sleep state of the driver.
lte_tcp_rx 77 uint32_t - - 0 - Number of TCP RX payload bytes.
lte_tcp_tx 76 uint32_t - - 0 - Number of TCP TX payload bytes.
lte_udp_rx 75 uint32_t - - 0 - Number of UDP RX payload bytes.
lte_udp_tx 74 uint32_t - - 0 - Number of UDP TX payload bytes.
lwm2m_batt_stat 24 uint8_t 0 6 6 0 : Normal
1 : Charging
2 : Charging complete
3 : Damaged
4 : Low
5 : Not installed
6 : Unknown
Device battery status.
lwm2m_pwr_src_volt 21 int32_t -600000 600000 0 - Device power source voltage.

This attribute maps to LwM2M path 3/0/7/0.

GA1 Device parameter list (MQTT variant specific)

The following parameters are supported in the GA1 firmware release and appear only in the MQTT firmware version.

Non-volatile parameters

The following parameters are modifiable and saved to non-volatile memory.

Name id type min /
min length
max /
max length
Default Enumeration Description
mqtt_ble_delimiter 95 string - 1 - - String placed between data items.
mqtt_ble_enable 92 bool 0 1 0 - Allow module to process advertisements and publishes. When going from disabled-to-enabled, credentials are loaded.
mqtt_ble_postfix 96 string - 15 - - Postfix to advertisement string.
mqtt_ble_prefix 94 string - 63 - - Prefix to publish string For example, add prefix to format data for an AWS Shadow (JSON).
mqtt_ble_quote 97 bool 0 1 0 - Add quote characters around the advertisement data Allows JSON array of strings to be generated.
mqtt_ble_topic 93 string - 255 - - Topic for publishing BLE advertisement data.
mqtt_clean_session 91 bool 0 1 1 - If false, then allow persistent sessions. Not supported by all brokers.
mqtt_connect_on_request 88 bool 0 1 1 - Try to load certs, resolve server, and connect when pub/sub is requested.
mqtt_id 83 string - 127 - - Client ID used in MQTT connect. Server may limit this to 23 alpha-numeric characters.
mqtt_peer_verify 86 enum 0 3 2 0 : None
1 : Optional
2 : Required
3 : Unset
Verify server.
mqtt_port 82 string 3 4 “8883” - Server host port.
mqtt_publish_qos 85 uint8_t - - 1 - Quality of service.
mqtt_root_only 90 bool 0 1 0 - Only load root certificate.
mqtt_subscribe_qos 87 uint8_t - - 1 - Subscription quality of service.
mqtt_transport_secure 89 bool 0 1 1 - If possible (CONFIG_MQTT_LIB_TLS defined), use TLS for transport.
mqtt_watchdog 84 uint32_t - - 0 - Maximum time in seconds between successful MQTT publishes. Disabled when 0.

Write-only non-volatile parameters

The following parameters are modifiable and saved to non-volatile memory and are write-only.

Name id type min /
min length
max /
max length
Default Enumeration Description
mqtt_user_name 79 string - 127 - - Client user name in connect request. Not used if empty.
mqtt_password 80 string - 127 - - Client password. Not used if empty.
mqtt_endpoint 81 string - 127 - - Server host name.

GA1 Device parameter list (LWM2M specific)

The following parameters are supported in the GA1 firmware release and are applicable only to the LWM2M firmware variant.

Non-volatile parameters

The following parameters are modifiable and saved to non-volatile memory.

Name id type min /
min length
max /
max length
Default Enumeration Description
lwm2m_telem_enable 85 bool 0 1 0 - 0 - disable telemetry connection, 1 - enable.
lwm2m_telem_endpoint 80 string 1 64 “endpoint” - Endpoint name to identify the device.
lwm2m_telem_psk 83 uint8_t array 16 16 { 0x00, 0x01, 0x02, 0x03, 0x04, 0x05, 0x06, 0x07, 0x08, 0x09, 0x0a, 0x0b, 0x0c, 0x0d, 0x0e, 0x0f } - Pre-shared key.
lwm2m_telem_psk_id 82 string 1 64 “my_device” - PSK ID.
lwm2m_telem_security 81 enum 0 4 3 0 : PSK
1 : RPK
2 : CERT
3 : NO_SEC
LWM2M security mode.
lwm2m_telem_server_url 79 string 11 255 “coap://” - Server URL to connect to.
lwm2m_telem_short_id 84 uint16_t 1 65534 2 - This identifier uniquely identifies each LwM2M Server configured for the LwM2M Client. This Resource MUST be set when the Bootstrap-Server Resource has a value of ‘false’.