The EZ-Serial firmware application is developed and maintained by Infineon. It comes as a compiled hex file. The source code is not available.

Vela IF820 Modules and Dev Kits come with EZ-Serial already installed. Infineon may release an updated version of EZ-Serial and a user may want to update the application.

The programming scripts, in conjunction with the DVK Probe on the IF820 development board, automatically put the device into programming mode.

Obtaining Latest EZ-Serial Firmware

Download EZ-Serial releases here

Note: For EMC compliance reasons, only the releases of firmware above can be used on the Vela IF820.

Determining current EZ-Serial Firmware Version

See Determine EZ-Serial Firmware Version.

Updating Firmware

The firmware can be updated over UART with a Python based programmer CLI or GUI supplied by Laird Connectivity. See Sample Applications for information on how to obtain the source code for the programmer.

It is also possible to update an IF820 running the EZ-Serial firmware over a BLE connection. Instructions for that process are coming soon.

Specifying Firmware Image

The latest firmware image is supplied with the samples in the files folder.

There is a different firmware image for the internal antenna and the external antenna module variants.

Firmware Image

If using the samples in VS code the “ezserial_firmware” attribute in settings.json may need to be updated based on what type of module is being programmed.



Programming can be invoked using the Flash EZ-Serial [with chip erase] or Flash EZ-Serial [no chip erase] task in VS Code.

See Running Application for information on how to run the sample application and specify parameters.

Alternatively, the script can be run directly from the command line to flash firmware.

# Flash internal antenna firmware with chip erase
python -ce -f files/v1.4.12.12_int-ant/202309011_ezserial_app_VELA-IF820-INT-ANT-EVK_141212_v1.4.12.12_download.hex

# Flash external antenna firmware with chip erase
python -ce -f files/v1.4.12.12_ext-ant/202309011_ezserial_app_VELA-IF820-EXT-ANT-EVK_141212_v1.4.12.12_download.hex

You can remove the -ce option to skip the chip erase. This will preserve the current settings on the device.

You can also add the -d option to enable debug output.


Status can be monitored in the “TERMINAL” window in Visual Studio Code. When programming is complete a Finished programming firmware message will appear in the window.

*  Executing task in folder ezserial_host: python /Users/ryan/git/bt20820/ezserial_host/ -f /Users/ryan/git/bt20820/ezserial_host/files/v1.4.12.12_int-ant/202309011_ezserial_app_VELA-IF820-INT-ANT-EVK_141212_v1.4.12.12_download.hex -ce

2023-10-20 10:14:57,720 | INFO | Programming firmware...
2023-10-20 10:14:59,506 | INFO | Erasing chip...
2023-10-20 10:14:59,506 | INFO | Performing chip erase...
2023-10-20 10:14:59,520 | INFO | Chip erase finished
2023-10-20 10:14:59,520 | INFO | Changing baud to 3mbps...
2023-10-20 10:14:59,524 | INFO | Writing SS section...
2023-10-20 10:14:59,574 | INFO | Writing DS section...
2023-10-20 10:15:08,962 | INFO | Finished programming firmware

Optional: Run Programming in Debug Mode

Select the “Run and Debug” sidebar button. Programming can be done with or without a chip erase. A chip erase will ensure all settings are reset to default values. Select Programming Options

Next click the “Start Debugging” button to start programming.

Start Programming

Putting Device in Programming Mode

The programming scripts, in conjunction with the DVK Probe on the IF820 development board, automatically put the device into programming mode.

The steps to do this manually, if it becomes necessary, are described below.

For the device to enter programming mode the “RECOVERY” pin must be asserted when the device boots. The easiest way to do that is to hold down the “Module Reset” and “Module RECOVERY” buttons at the same time. Release the “Module Reset” button so the device boots. After one second release the “Module RECOVERY” button. The device will now be in programming mode.
