EZ-Serial Low Power Testing Measurement Setup A Nordic PPK2 was used to measure the power consumption of the target IF820 DVK. Expand The IF820 devices were tested running v1.4.12.12 EZ-Serial firmware. BLE Advertising Power Consumption The advertiser sample was run with the low power option. Vela_IF820_Firmware: sample: advertiser updated for low power Advertising Param Time (ms) Notes Advertising interval 250 Advert data update interval 2000 This is the interval at which a host wakes up the IF820, changes the advert data, and then allows the module to go back to sleep. The average power consumption is 290 uA over a 60 second measurement period. Expand nRF Power Profiler capture data: advertiser_power_consumption.ppk BLE Connection Power Consumption The custom gatt sample was run with the low power option. Vela_IF820_Firmware: sample: custom GATT updated for low power Param Time (ms) Notes Connection interval 500 Supervision timeout 5000 Data update interval 5000 This is the interval at which a host wakes up the IF820, changes the GATT data, and then allows the module to go back to sleep. The average power consumption is 77 uA over 18 seconds in the connection. PROD-2994: IF820: Connection parameters change after some time Expand ble_peripheral_connection_power_consumption.ppk During testing an anomaly was found After the BLE connection runs for some time, the devices revert to a faster connection interval by themselves. This increases power consumption. A host can monitor for the connection update event to detect this and issue an update connection params command to change the interval back to the desired value. PROD-2994: Connection parameters change after some time Backlog Expand nRF Power Profiler capture data: ble_peripheral_connection_params_updated.ppk Bluetooth Classic SPP Power Consumption The average current consumption for an SPP connection is 2.9 mA. Expand nRF Power Profiler capture data: bt_classic_spp_power_consumption.ppk Appendix EZ-Serial Low Power Modes Power Mode Current Range (typical), Vdd = 3.3 V Description Active 5 mA to 7 mA CPU and all peripherals are active. All functionality is possible with no delay. Sleep 0.23 mA to 3.x mA In PDS Mode, UART may have missed communication. However, it can still receive data from BLE or BT link. Deep Sleep 1.2 µA In HID-Off Mode, no active resources are available until the FW restarts. CYW20820 Low Power Modes Expand