Open Sample Applications

Using Visual Studio Code, go to File -> Open Workspace from File... and select the if820_ezserial.code-workspace file.

Run Application

In the Terminal Menu select Run Task

Run Task

Then select the sample application that you wish to run.

Select App

Modify Arguments

Python sample applications typically have a list of arguments that can be passed into the script. Arguments allow different options when running the script.

For example in the script, there is an option to perform a full chip erase.

    parser.add_argument('-ce', '--chip_erase', action='store_true',
                        help="perform full chip erase.")

To modify the arguments passed into the script when running the application, open the tasks.json file and modify the "args" section.

            "label": "Flash EZ-Serial [with chip erase]",
            "type": "shell",
            "command": "python",
            "args": [
            "problemMatcher": []