Contact Tracing

Contact Tracing (CT) is a version of gateway firmware that communicates with the Sentrius™ BT710 tracker or BT510-CT.


The Sentrius™ tracker’s firmware is designed for detecting and logging when trackers are within proximity of one another, and sending and receiving data to communicate this. This firmware allows trackers to indicate their presence and sense the presence of other nearby compatible trackers. The behavior of BLE advertisement transmission and scanning/discovering other trackers is configurable based on use case via parameters (see the Sentrius™ BT710 User Guide Parameters section for details on user-configurable parameters).

System Requirements for Data Logging

In order to capture data logs from the a Bluetooth tracking device (BT710 or BT510-CT), your system must include a Ezurio gateway with contact tracing (CT) compatible firmware. The tracker will automatically interact with a properly configured gateway over Bluetooth Low Energy, allowing the gateway to download and forward CT data logs to its configured cloud-based endpoint. The Ezurio MG100, IG60-BL654 and IG60-SERIAL gateways are designed for connectivity to the AWS IoT platform, however they may be configured for other platforms with support from the Ezurio Design Services team, if necessary (separate business arrangement and development contract required). The BL5340 development kit can be used as a demonstration board with a wired (ethernet) internet connection, however is not a ready-to-deploy packaged product. The figure below depicts a typical scenario for a small deployment of trackers and an MG100 BLE-to-Cellular gateway. In this scenario, trackers will sense one another, capture CT log data locally and when nearby the MG100 will forward their logs to AWS IoT.

Contact Tracing Overview

Data Log Overview

The CT log data is published by the gateway to a remote MQTT broker in JSON format. This makes it easy for a web service interested in the data to subscribe to the MQTT topic and parse the data for further processing and storage. This stored data may be retrieved to aid in contact tracing operations.

The JSON format for CT log data represents a series of events captured by a reporting sensor (sensor that scanned for other sensors, generated log entries and is now reporting that data in this JSON document) and a remote sensor (the sensor detected by the reporting sensor in a BLE scan). These JSON documents contain an array of one or more entry objects, each containing an array of one or more log objects. Each log object represents a single BLE scan performed by the reporting sensor where the remote sensor was detected in that BLE scan. The entries[n].timestamp value is the absolute timestamp in UTC time captured by the reporting sensor when the first log was added to the logs[] array. Timestamps of each log object can be calculated by multiplying the delta value with the scanInterval value and adding it to the entries[n].timestamp value in the parent entry object.

Data Log JSON Example

	"entryProtocolVersion": 2,
	"deviceId": "01020304aaaa",
	"deviceTime": 1597936969,
	"lastUploadTime": 1597935821,
	"fwVersion": "00000600",
	"batteryLevel": 3040,
	"networkId": 65535,
	"entries": [{

		"entryStart": 165,
		"flags": 253,
		"scanInterval": 30,
		"serial": "01020304bbbb",
		"timestamp": 1597935576,
		"length": 112,
		"logs": [{
			"recordType": 17,
			"log": {
				"delta": 0,
				"rssi": -44,
				"motion": 0,
				"txPower": 0

Data Log Details

Key (Value Pair) Description
“entryProtocolVersion”: 2 Indicates the protocol ID for this entire JSON object
“deviceId”: “01020304aaaa” BLE device ID for the reporting sensor
“deviceTime”: 1597936969 Timestamp from the gateway when it published this JSON message
“lastUploadTime”: 1597935821 Reporting sensor timestamp when prior log was captured by the gateway
“fwVersion”: “00000600” Firmware Version of reporting sensor, Major: 00, Minor: 06, Revision: 0600 can be interpreted as v0.0.6
“batteryLevel”: 3040 Battery voltage of reporting sensor in millivolts
“networkId”: 65535 Network ID of reporting sensor
“entries”: [ Array of CT Entries
“entryStart”: 165 Fixed value
“flags”: 253 Fixed value
“scanInterval”: 30 Seconds between BLE scans for the reporting sensor
“serial”: “01020304bbbb” Serial number of the remote sensor detected in a BLE scan
“timestamp”: 1597935576 UTC timestamp (seconds since epoch) of the first log in this entry
“length”: 112 Byte size of reported payload, only used for diagnostic purposes
“logs”: [ Array of Record object associated with this entry
“recordType”: 17 Indicates the format for this record object
“log”: Log object
“delta”: 0 Delta in “scan intervals” after this entry’s timestamp that this log object was captured
  To calculate absolute timestamp, multiply the parent entry “scanInterval” value
  by this delta value and add to the parent entry “timestamp” value
  to get seconds since epoch in UTC.
“rssi”: -44 “rssi”: -44, RSSI measured by reporting sensor for BLE scan of remote sensor
“motion”: 0 “motion”: 0, 0: remote sensor not in motion, 1: remote sensor in motion
“txPower”: 0 “txPower”: 0 TX power advertised by the remote sensor during this BLE scan

CT Logging/Transfer Formats

Logs from CT tracker devices (BT510-CT and BT710) are transferred to a gateway using the SMP + CBOR protocol over Bluetooth Low Energy. Describing SMP and CBOR protocol are outside the scope of this document. This document focuses on the byte-level payload format of the CT log data as it is sent from the tracker to the gateway (SMP) and from gateway to AWS (MQTT).

CT Gateway RPC Overview

The Sentrius™ MG100-CT Gateway firmware implements an RPC mechanism providing system integrators with a means to send remote commands to trigger a set of maintenance operations. The device shadow is used as the mechanism to send RPC requests to the MG100-CT gateway and trigger operations that may perform maintenance tasks or post diagnostic data to designated MQTT topics. Details can be found here.

Building for Contact Tracing

Note: If using VS Code for development the build contact tracing task can be used to easily build the firmware.

Note: In the commands below [board] should be replaced with mg100, pinnacle_100_dvk or bl5340_dvk_cpuapp

## Linux and macOS

west build -b [board] -d ${PWD}/build/[board]/ct ${PWD}/app -- -DOVERLAY_CONFIG="${PWD}/app/contact_tracing/overlay_ct.conf"

## Windows

west build -b [board] -d %CD%\build\[board]\ct %CD%\app -- -DOVERLAY_CONFIG="%CD%\app\contact_tracing\overlay_ct.conf"