Firmware Updates


  1. mcumgr CLI (cross platform)
  2. Pinnacle 100/MG100/BL5340 device running firmware v3.x or greater.
  3. Terminal program: Putty (Windows, Linux, macOS), Teraterm (Windows), Serial (macOS)

Update Zephyr App Via UART

  1. Connect terminal program to console UART and turn off log messages. Log messages output by the firmware can interfere with the firmware transfer process.

    Issue command:

    log halt
  2. Disconnect the terminal program from the console UART and transfer the update file to the device using the mcumgr CLI via the console UART.

    # Linux/macOS
    mcumgr -t 20 -r 3 --conntype serial --connstring dev=/dev/tty.usbserial-A908JLEI image upload /Users/ryan/Desktop/mg100_v3.0.103.bin
    # Windows
    mcumgr -t 20 -r 3 --conntype serial --connstring dev=COM4 image upload C:\mg100_v3.0.103.bin

    Depending on the size of the update file, the transfer can take some time.

  3. List the images to obtain the hash of the update image in slot 1

    # Linux/macOS
    mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring dev=/dev/tty.usbserial-A908JLEI image list
    # Windows
    mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring dev=COM4 image list

    Response should look like

    image=0 slot=0
        version: 3.0.101
        bootable: true
        flags: active confirmed
        hash: 292df381866bf65cab8f007897e3bcd8e936d5e37ba78183162e6f5fe1085b03
    image=0 slot=1
        version: 3.0.103
        bootable: true
        hash: e378dde02fe58825fe0b620926ec932f0a4aaaa82857e897e40f7486d2011276
    Split status: N/A (0)
  4. Test the image in slot 1. This sets the image in slot 1 to be swapped and booted.

    # Linux/macOS
    mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring dev=/dev/tty.usbserial-A908JLEI image test e378dde02fe58825fe0b620926ec932f0a4aaaa82857e897e40f7486d2011276
    # Windows
    mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring dev=COM4 image test e378dde02fe58825fe0b620926ec932f0a4aaaa82857e897e40f7486d2011276

    Response should look like

    image=0 slot=0
        version: 3.0.101
        bootable: true
        flags: active confirmed
        hash: 292df381866bf65cab8f007897e3bcd8e936d5e37ba78183162e6f5fe1085b03
    image=0 slot=1
        version: 3.0.103
        bootable: true
        flags: pending
        hash: e378dde02fe58825fe0b620926ec932f0a4aaaa82857e897e40f7486d2011276
    Split status: N/A (0)

    Note the flags for slot 1 are now set to pending.

  5. Issue a reset to swap to the slot 1 image and boot it. This can take some time to complete.

    # Linux/macOS
    mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring dev=/dev/tty.usbserial-A908JLEI reset
    # Windows
    mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring dev=COM4 reset
  6. Re-connect the terminal program to the console UART to monitor when the new image boots. Once it boots, issue the turn off logging command in preparation for the last step.

    Issue command:

    log halt
  7. Confirm the image. If the new image is not confirmed, the image will be swapped back to slot 1 on the next reboot (Note that the BLE gateway firmware will automatically confirm the image when it boots).

    # Linux/macOS
    mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring dev=/dev/tty.usbserial-A908JLEI image confirm
    # Windows
    mcumgr --conntype serial --connstring dev=COM4 image confirm

Update Zephyr App Via BLE (mcumgr CLI)

Using mcumgr CLI and BLE is only supported on Linux or macOS.

  1. Transfer the update file to the device using the mcumgr CLI via BLE.

    mcumgr -t 20 -r 3 --conntype ble --connstring ctlr_name=hci0,peer_name='MG100-0303848' image upload /Users/ryan/Desktop/mg100_v3.0.103.bin

    Depending on the size of the update file, the transfer can take some time.

  2. List the images to obtain the hash of the update image in slot 1

    mcumgr --conntype ble --connstring ctlr_name=hci0,peer_name='MG100-0303848' image list

    Response should look like

    image=0 slot=0
        version: 3.0.101
        bootable: true
        flags: active confirmed
        hash: 292df381866bf65cab8f007897e3bcd8e936d5e37ba78183162e6f5fe1085b03
    image=0 slot=1
        version: 3.0.103
        bootable: true
        hash: e378dde02fe58825fe0b620926ec932f0a4aaaa82857e897e40f7486d2011276
    Split status: N/A (0)
  3. Test the image in slot 1. This sets the image in slot 1 to be swapped and booted.

    mcumgr --conntype ble --connstring ctlr_name=hci0,peer_name='MG100-0303848' image test e378dde02fe58825fe0b620926ec932f0a4aaaa82857e897e40f7486d2011276

    Response should look like

    image=0 slot=0
        version: 3.0.101
        bootable: true
        flags: active confirmed
        hash: 292df381866bf65cab8f007897e3bcd8e936d5e37ba78183162e6f5fe1085b03
    image=0 slot=1
        version: 3.0.103
        bootable: true
        flags: pending
        hash: e378dde02fe58825fe0b620926ec932f0a4aaaa82857e897e40f7486d2011276
    Split status: N/A (0)

    Note the flags for slot 1 are now set to pending.

  4. Issue a reset to swap to the slot 1 image and boot it. This can take some time to complete.

    mcumgr --conntype ble --connstring ctlr_name=hci0,peer_name='MG100-0303848' reset
  5. Confirm the image once it has booted. If the new image is not confirmed, the image will be swapped back to slot 1 on the next reboot.

    mcumgr --conntype ble --connstring ctlr_name=hci0,peer_name='MG100-0303848' image confirm

Updating HL7800 Firmware Via UART (Pinnacle 100/MG100 only)

Firmware for the modem is a diff. Use “attr get lte_version” to view the current firmware version. Navigate to the link below, select the version you want to update to, then select the coresponding XMODEM package.

  1. Connect terminal program to console UART and turn off log messages. Log messages output by the firmware can interfere with the firmware transfer process.

    Issue command:

    log halt
  2. Disconnect the terminal program from the console UART and transfer the update file to the device using the mcumgr CLI via the console UART.

    # Linux/macOS
    mcumgr -t 5 -r 2 --conntype serial --connstring dev=/dev/tty.usbserial-A908JLEI fs upload /Users/ryan/Desktop/ /lfs/
    # Windows
    mcumgr -t 5 -r 2 --conntype serial --connstring dev=COM4 fs upload C:\ /lfs/

    Depending on the size of the update file, the transfer can take some time.

  3. Re-connect the terminal to the console UART and restart logging. Resuming log messages is important so the rest of the update process can be monitored.

    log go
  4. Issue the update command to start the update.

    hl fup /lfs/

    This will start the firmware update by transferring the file to the HL7800 via the XModem protocol. Depending on the size of the update file this may take some time. You will see log messages periodically describing the state of the HL7800 update. Look for log messages similar to these:

    [00:04:42.037,109] <inf> modem_hl7800: Initiate FW update, total packets: 30
    [00:04:42.037,109] <inf> modem_hl7800: FOTA state: IDLE->START
    [00:04:43.304,565] <inf> modem_hl7800: FOTA state: START->WIP
    [00:04:51.190,887] <inf> modem_hl7800: FOTA state: WIP->PAD
    [00:04:51.458,679] <inf> modem_hl7800: FOTA state: PAD->SEND_EOT
    [00:04:51.467,529] <inf> modem_hl7800: +WDSI: 3
    [00:04:51.479,095] <inf> modem_hl7800: FOTA state: SEND_EOT->INSTALL
    [00:06:12.876,190] <inf> modem_hl7800: Startup State: READY
    [00:06:12.876,220] <inf> modem_hl7800: FOTA state: INSTALL->REBOOT_AND_RECONFIGURE
    [00:06:12.876,251] <inf> modem_hl7800: Modem Reset
    [00:06:12.926,361] <inf> modem_hl7800: Sleep State: UNINITIALIZED
    [00:06:12.926,361] <inf> modem_hl7800: Network State: 0 NOT_REGISTERED
    [00:06:12.926,391] <inf> modem_hl7800: Startup State: UNKNOWN
    [00:06:12.926,422] <inf> modem_hl7800: FOTA state: REBOOT_AND_RECONFIGURE->IDLE
    [00:06:12.926,422] <inf> modem_hl7800: Modem Run

    Once the FOTA state: SEND_EOT->INSTALL is triggered, the HL7800 will reboot and install its update. This can take a few minutes before the HL7800 reboots to resume normal operation. FOTA state: REBOOT_AND_RECONFIGURE->IDLE signals the update has completed.