The regulatory domain must be correctly configured in the lru configuration menu prior running tests. The lru uses the regulatory domain configured in the utility for all tests.

Note: The regulatory domain configured in the lru is only applicable while the lru is running. The setting does not persist once the utility exits.

Note: See the Regulatory Release Notes for a list of supported regulatory domains and associated channel sets for each radio.

The configuration menu is entered using the cfg command.

lru :>cfg
WiFi Configuration Menu:
	Domain: FCC
	Antenna: ANT0
cfg :>?
Configuration menu
	-d [FCC | IC | ETSI | JP | AU | CN | TW] -> Set Domain
	-a [ANT0 | ANT1]                         -> Select Antenna (Diversity Antenna/M.2 only)
	 x                                       -> Return to previous menu

WiFi Configuration Menu:
	Domain: FCC
	Antenna: ANT0
cfg :>

Note: The set of available configuration options varies depending on the underlying radio.

To set the regulatory domain, use the -d command. If the setting is successful the lru will reflect the new setting in its status and help commands. Use x to return to the previous menu.