The lru is used by OEMs to control the Wi-Fi portion of the radio during regulatory certification testing.

To use lru invoke lru from the command console. Once invoked successfully, the command prompt will change to lru :\>. From there ? can be used to obtain information on available commands and parameters.

The lru will search sysfs during initialization to find the first appropriate device to use. If the lru is unable to determine the appropriate device, it defaults to using wlan0 for Wi-Fi devices.

Note: To specify a Wi-Fi interface other than the default, use the -i <interface> command line option when invoking the tool.

# lru
Laird Regulatory Utility
Using wireless device wlan0 (6)
Module type: LWB5+ Diversity Antenna (M.2)
lru :>?
lru :> <command> <option> [argument]
	tx  -> Continuous Transmit
	cw  -> Carrier Wave
	rx  -> Continuous Receive
	cfg -> Configuration Sub Menu
	off -> Off
	s   -> Current configuration
	?   -> Help
	x   -> Exit
	-c [1-13 |36-165]           -> Channel Number
	-b [20 | 40 | 80]           -> Bandwidth
	-r [1-54 | h0-h7 | v0-v9]   -> Data Rate
	-w [1-900]                  -> Script mode wait time (sec)
	-i <interface>              -> Interface

Ver x.x.x.x

lru :>

Before starting any testing, verify that the regulatory domain, and if necessary antenna and test mode, are configured correctly. This can be done by issuing the cfg command.

Note: The radio will remain in a particular test mode until that test is turned off using the off command. Each test should be stopped using the off command before starting another test.

See Test Descriptions for test details and examples.

When finished, exit lru (x), change the firmware soft links back to normal production files, and reboot.